
Welcome to my gallery! My name is Melissa Mills and I am an artist living and practicing on Vancouver Island.

Mount Baker Painting Cropped

My current and seemingly ongoing inspirations are Mt. Baker and memories of Vancouver Island – my home. As a symbol of childhood, growing up in Cordova Bay, Mt. Baker, as seen in glimpses on the way to school, or through a window if the light was just right, was steadfast and always beautiful. Mt. Baker has come to me as the subject of a painting process. I use colour and brush stroke to express its beauty, its drama, and its anchored place neighbouring this island landscape. It is not an intellectual exercise, but rather an intuitive reflection about a symbol of time and place.

Concurrent careers in design and post-secondary education allow my pursuit of art for arts’ sake, to be an on-going balance in time and energy. I am reminded that time does not slowdown to make room for such output and one must be somewhat selfish and carve it out no matter. Waking up in the morning with the intention of making art requires room. Craft, reading articles, and writing papers could be squeezed into the tight spots, the practice of art requires breadth of space. For me, the making of art requires a deliberate action and open approach.

Visit the Mt. Baker paintings gallery or my selection of new works. Paintings and artworks are added when ready for viewing. Please contact me if you’re interested in purchasing work.